As a higher education researcher, my scholarship addresses three major research strands: 1) equity and justice for Black students in higher education, 2) first-generation college student experiences, and 3) the use of culturally-relevant qualitative research methods in higher education inquiry. I center my research within a critical paradigm with the goal of unearthing and addressing oppression at the individual, institutional, and systemic levels. More specifically, an intersectional worldview guides me as I explore the experiences of Black people and first-generation college students in higher education.
Check out my recent conversation with Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on the Writing on My Mind podcast!
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Select Scholarship
Wallace, J. K., Johnson, J. T., & Ford, J. R. (2024). For us, by us: Unpacking research with and for Black students in
higher education as early career Black men faculty. In J. A. McElderry & S. Hernandez Rivera (Eds.), Developing an intersectional-consciousness and praxis in antiracist efforts (pp. 113-129). Information Age Publishing.
Wallace, J. K. (2024). Claiming space at the intersection: A professor’s narrative of navigating and [re]claiming space, place, and home beyond the walls of academe. In C. García-Louis, S. Ardoin, T. Shalka, K. M. McGuire, E. T. Parker (Eds.), Creating space for ourselves as minoritized and marginalized faculty: Narratives that humanize the academy (pp. 113-122). Routledge Publishing.
Breeden, R. L., Wallace, J. K., & Bryant, L. D. (2023). “This is our degree”: Reflections and advice from Black first-generation doctoral students. Journal of First-Generation Student Success. Advance online publication.
Wallace, J. K. & Ford, J. R. (2023). Returning home: Reflections on cultural capital cultivated for Black men faculty through multicultural affairs work. The Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.
Wallace, J. K. (2022). Nevertheless, we persist: Exploring the cultural capital of Black first-generation doctoral recipients at non-Black serving institutions. The Review of Higher Education, 45(4), 515-548.
Santa-Ramirez, S. & Wallace, J. K. (2022). We got work to do: Testomonios of queer Black and Latinx practitioner-scholar-advocates navigating the insider/outsider paradox within the ivory tower. In A. Duran, R. A. Miller, T. J. Jourian, & J. Cisneros (Eds.), Queerness as being in higher education: Narrating the insider/outsider paradox as LGBTQ+ scholars and practitioners (pp. 59-70). Routledge Publishing.
Wallace, J. K. & Ford, J. R. (2021). "They don't value my knowledge": Interrogating the racialized experiences of Black first-generation doctoral students in HESA programs at HWIs. Journal of First-Generation Student Success, 1(2), 127-144.
Wallace, J. K. (2021). I wish I knew that I could be a professor. Cap & Co. Education Platform.
Coleman, R., Wallace, J. K., & Means, D. (2020). Questioning a single narrative: Multiple identities shaping Black queer and transgender student retention. The Journal of College Student Retention: Theory, Research, and Practice – Special Issue, 21(4), 455-475.
Wallace, J. K. (2020). “The ancestors are watching; make them proud”: Narratives exploring Black first-generation
doctoral recipients’ use of cultural capital at non-Black serving institutions. (Publication No. 27740607)
[Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Evans, M. E. & Wallace, J. K. (2019). No longer cast aside: A critical approach to serving queer and trans students of Color in higher education. In D. Mitchell Jr., J. Marie, & T. Steele (Eds.), Intersectionality & higher education: Theory, research, and praxis (2nd ed., pp. 181-189). Peter Lang Publishing.
Venaas, M., Dixon, K., Wallace, J. K., Dewberry, C., & Wilson, Z. (2024, November). Assessment hacks: Unlocking practical tips for student affairs professionals. Presentation for the Southern Association for College Student Affairs Administration (SACSA) Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Whitehead, M., Briscoe, K., Ford, J., Wallace, J. K., & Smith, T. (2023, April). Proximity and practice: Enacted whiteness and anti-blackness in the experiences of Black faculty. Paper accepted for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Evans, M. E., & Wallace, J. K. (2022, December). Advancing justice at risk-averse institutions using a tempered radical approach. Pre-conference session at the 2022 NASPA/ACPA Leadership Educators Institute, New Orleans, LA.
Ford, J. R., Wallace, J. K., & Ball, J. (2022, November). “We are going through this together”: Exploring mentorship for Black men doctoral students. Roundtable presentation for the Council for Ethnic Participation (CEP) Pre-Conference at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Thompson, J., Chasteen, A., Sparkman, L., Valles, J., Wallace, J. K., & Zimmerman, C. (2022, October). Should we go back to football in the quad? Campus culture as we move through COVID. Presentation for the 2022 National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Wallace, J. K., Quarles, D. A., Lawrence, P. J. (2021, November). A power-conscious analysis of impostorism in
higher education. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Wallace, J. K. (2020, November). Straight outta college: An anthology of 10 Black first-gen docs.
Performance presentation for the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
Wallace, J. K. (2019, November). “#MelaninMagic: Amplifying the voices of Black first-generation college students pursuing doctorates at historically white institutions”. Paper presented at the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Amer, A., Bennett-Alexander, D., Sue, D. W., Wallace, J. K. (2017, March). “Courageous conversations: Next steps in everyday life, research, and practice”. Keynote panel presented at the 12th annual University of Georgia College of Education Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference, Athens, GA.